Don't poke the Bear

  • May 17, 2024
Grizzly, sometimes but always friendly

Don’t poke the Bear


I know we IT Recruiters can sometimes be accused of being ruthless charlatans doing whatever it takes to make a fast buck, maybe more of a Hyena than a Bear in this analogy? I could warble on for days about how some recruiters motivate their junior staff in a volume-based game of spray and pray, however this article is not about that...bear with it, I get there in the end.

As Recruiters, we have a common goal with our client hiring managers, finding candidates who can add value to your teams. It's not hugely complex it's about offering a value-added service based on the ability to see the wheat from the chaf.

We also share a common goal with candidates, to have a transparent conversation that leads to a role where you can add value and feel fulfilled. However, this is not as easy as it should be... and no right-minded Bear would expect it to be so. Unfortunately, the recruitment process is not always bound by honesty and integrity, essentially all candidates are amazing, no one says "I'm a bit average, slightly crazy and have outstanding periods of low energy" on their CVs, but yes, those candidates do exist.

So, what's with the Bear analogy I hear you ask?

It's metaphorical (hopefully). It's self-help advice, in a long-winded article, aimed at those who don't help their chances of getting the dream role by wandering aimlessly through the woods.... growl.

Being a strong candidate is about being a good match for the requirements to perform in that role. There can be many factors such as experience, technical knowledge, personal style, creativity, personal drivers, industry experience, soft skills or a host of other factors, but rest assured the hiring manager, and the recruiter will have worked all of that out. If you look to have what it takes, then the recruiter (or bear in my too close to the bone analogy) will set up a call and hopefully through some simple, but effective questioning, establish what you actually did to deliver the claims of awesomeness in your CV.

Now as a seasoned IT bear, the above process is quite simple. As long as you don't poke the bear they will remain cute and cuddly (oh the irony) and the encounter will be a stroll in the park. A good bear can help you achieve your goals, treat them with respect.

  • Don't hide in the woods - removing your location from your CV. Just why...what is there to hide? Bears don't like playing hide and seek.
  • Don't wear camouflage - if you are not what you say you are, a good bear will sniff you out. Bears don't like to play charades.
  • Don't shout at the bear - conversations are two-way, breathe and listen, it is about you, but not all about you. Bears like conversations.
  • Don't wear the wrong kit - read the job description, it will be written and prepared by the bear, they will expect you to have read it before applying. Bears prey on the disrespectfully underprepared

Remember tame bears are your friends, you have nothing to gain in poking the bear.